We are excited to introduce a Lending Program to our members!
WCAS has assembled two binocular kits that each contain:
— Celestron 15 x 70 binoculars
— A night sky chart
— 100 Things to See in the Night Sky and Fun Facts About Space by Cincinnati astronomer Dean Regas
The kits can be checked out for two weeks. You must be a WCAS member in good standing for at least two months.
If you are interested in borrowing one of the kits email info@WCAS-oh.org
And, thank you to Membership Director Marge Batten for getting this set up for our members.
Easy-to-Use Telescopes and Giant Binoculars
In addition, WCAS owns two reflector telescopes on easy-to-use Dobsonian mounts with a variety of eyepieces. We also have a pair of giant binoculars suitable for observing night sky objects.

They’re available for your use when visiting the Fred Bay Observatory during public and members’ events.
These are perfect for beginners and experienced members for night sky viewing. They are not equipped for solar viewing.
Members in good standing also can check out these telescopes or the giant binoculars for two weeks.
If you are interested in borrowing one of the kits email info@WCAS-oh.org or talk with one of the WCAS leaders when you arrive at Fred Bay Observatory.
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