You Can Operate the Big Telescope at the Fred Bay Observatory and the Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory

Our members volunteer to operate the observatory at Hisey Park for the public under an agreement with the Warren County Parks Department. We also operate the Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory at Camp Joy.
All Warren County Astronomical Society members are invited to participate. You’ll be trained by experienced members and paired up with them at public events to help you learn how to:
- Open and close the observatory
- Set up the telescope
- Operate the computerized telescope controls
- Troubleshoot issues with how the telescope operates
We also provide talking points about objects in the sky each month so you’re well prepared to help visitors experience the night sky.
Your Commitment
- Complete two training sessions (held quarterly)
- Volunteer at two public WCAS events, working with another volunteer, during the next 12 months.
Your Benefits
- As a trained volunteer, you will receive a key to the Fred Bay Observatory. This enables you to schedule and conduct your own viewing sessions in addition to the monthly WCAS events.
- You get direct access to the advanced optics and precision tracking available with the telescopes in the Fred Bay Observatory and the Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory.
- You interact directly with the public, sharing your love for and knowledge of astronomy, with our visitors and other members.
Volunteer Today
Ready to learn how to use the big telescope? Sign up here.