Moon Objects for sale as fund-raising project for the Warren County Astronomical Society, the Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory at Camp Joy, and the Fred Bay Observatory at Hisey Park in Warren County Ohio.

Buy the Moon

You can now “own” a lunar crater, mountain or even one of the Apollo landing sites where astronauts explored the surface of our nearest neighbor in space.*

Nearly 2,000 are available, including some of the most recognizable lunar features as well as some spectacular sites visible only through a telescope. 

Get Your Piece of the Moon Today >

You Can’t Land on the Moon. But You Can Buy Land on the Moon.*

Select your favorite lunar place or feature using the search tool below

Moon locations are available from $50 to $10,000 (for the Apollo 11 first-ever landing site). Card payments can be made securely online. 

Your purchase actually is a contribution that will support astronomy education and community outreach throughout Warren County for years to come. 

You will be recognized by adding your name (or the name/s of family members, friends, or anyone you wish to acknowledge) to the engraved Moon Wall donors’ display at the Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory at Camp Joy near Clarksville.

Of course, you cannot travel to the moon. It’s 239,000 miles away. 

But every time you visit the observatory, you’ll see your special place.

Your purchase will become a donation to support stargazing and science activities for hundreds of kids participating in Camp Joy events throughout the year. 

And you’ll enable the volunteer members of the Warren County Astronomical Society to provide night-sky educational programs free of charge to the public. 

WCAS operates the Hutzel Observatory in partnership with Camp Joy plus the Fred Bay Observatory at Hisey Park near Waynesville in partnership with the Warren County Park District. The nonprofit group’s volunteers also share their astronomy knowledge by visiting schools, festivals, and community events across Warren County.

*We’re really not selling you land on the moon. We can’t do that. But we definitely can land your name on the permanent Moon Wall donors’ list at the Hutzel Observatory. You’ll be out-of-this-world famous.

Claim Your Favorite Moon Location >


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