Stay Up to Date

WCAS members help each other learn more about our shared astronomy hobby, stargazing together, exchanging tips and techniques, demonstrating our telescopes and equipment, and pointing our friends to new sources of scientific and how-to information.
Our calendar of events is published on this website >
We also utilize our Facebook page, a private Facebook group, and regular email newsletters.
Here’s how you can join the conversation:
Group Me

Members use the GroupMe app on their mobile devices to share tips and answers to help each other learn more about our shared astronomy hobby.
We use GroupMe, a text messaging app, for instant communication. We announce details of members-only events and schedule changes when the weather impacts our plans.
Download the free GroupMe app from the Apple or Android stores. Once installed, search for our Warren County Astronomical Society group. Ask to join the group.
GroupMe also can be used in a web browser once you set up your account.
WCAS public events are published on our Facebook page along with daily updates about astronomical events and news.
Members can meet and chat with members of the Miami Valley Astronomical Society in this private Facebook group >
Weather and Sky Conditions
Plan your stargazing by checking the weather forecast and expected seeing conditions at Hisey Park and Camp Joy.
Click forecasts to enlarge:
Fred Bay Observatory at Hisey Park
Rachel A. Hutzel Observatory at Camp Joy

Borrow a Telescope
WCAS members can borrow a telescope or binoculars to use at home or a nearby park.
We lend this equipment free of charge for up to 14 days.
Members can also borrow this equipment to use during our events at Hisey Park.
The telescopes and binoculars are portable and easily disassembled to transport in your car. They’re powerful enough to view the moon, planets, and deep-space objects.
What’s available
12-inch Newtonian reflector telescope with Dobsonian mount

8-inch Newtonian reflector telescope with Dobsonian mount

45×100 astronomical binoculars with tripod

We provide eyepieces and basic training for members not familiar with these devices. Members are responsible for any damage or repairs.
How to borrow
To check out this astronomical equipment, email the WCAS officers at
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